regex - Javascript match and regularexpression -

regex - Javascript match and regularexpression -

i've searched example, i'm bad @ regular expressions need reply specific example. i'm using javascript , have next string example: accountactivitystatus.transactionhistorys.0.activityamt

i need able match given string starts accountactivitystatus , contains number somewhere after that. assistance appreciated:


try this.see demo.

var re = /^accountactivitystatus(?=.*\d).*$/gm; var str = 'accountactivitystatus.transactionhistorys.0.activityamt\naccountactivitystatus.transactionhistorys..activityamt\naccountactivitystatus.transactionhistorys.4.activityamt'; var m; while ((m = re.exec(str)) != null) { if (m.index === re.lastindex) { re.lastindex++; } // view result using m-variable. // eg m[0] etc. }

javascript regex match


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