How to display the value of a variable used in a PL/SQL block in the log file of a batch file? And Arrays? -

How to display the value of a variable used in a PL/SQL block in the log file of a batch file? And Arrays? -

basically i'm using batch file run .sql file on windows task scheduler. batch file generates log file displays put_lines. want see value assigned variable: v_chks_dm, couldn't figure out way it. tried get_line statement failed... know how it? thanks!

this what's in batch file:

echo off echo ****************************>>c:\output.log sqlplus userid/password@csdpro @v:\condition_test.sql>>c:\output.log

here's .sql file

declare v_chks_dm number; begin select /*+parallel (a,4)*/ count(distinct a.src_table) v_chks_dm hcr_dm.hcr_dm_fact a; dbms_output.put_line('v_chkt_dm value assigned'); -- dbms_output.get_line(v_chks_dm); if.... then... else.... end if; end;

one more question... if variable array? have this, got error says ora-06533: subscript beyond count. number of values in array varies 0 10, more. thanks!

declare type v_chks_array varray(10) of varchar2(50); arrsrcs v_chks_array; begin arrsrcs :=v_chks_array(); arrsrcs.extend(10); select /*+parallel (a,4)*/ distinct a.src_table mass collect arrsrcs hcr_dm.hcr_dm_fact a; dbms_output.put_line(arrsrcs(10)); end;

dbms_output.put_line('v_chkt_dm value = ' || v_chkt_dm);

or, better

dbms_output.put_line('v_chkt_dm value = ' || to_char(v_chkt_dm, '<number format>'));

you can take appropriate number formats in documentation.

variables batch-file plsql getline


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