postgresql - .NET npgsql exception not readable symbols -

postgresql - .NET npgsql exception not readable symbols -

getting error postgresql in c# cannot read it. have in npgsqlexception text:

additional information: �����: 28000: � pg_hba.conf ��� ������, ����������� ����������� ��� ���������� � ���������� "" ��� ������������ "postgres", ���� ������ "testdb", ssl ����.

is there way set different language this? or other prepare create readable? thanks!

this known issue postgresql version 3 protocol. server sends error messages in system's default text encoding until connection handshake has got far plenty along allow client specify text encoding expects server.

however, server never tells client default text encoding is, client doesn't know how decode messages in connection process. drivers assume text in current default text encoding, if that's wrong, garbage.

this slated fixed in next revision of network protocol, won't quite time. in mean time, have found, changing server's default locale utilize encoding client expect, utf-8, best workaround. easiest way changing lc_messages in postgresql.conf.

postgresql npgsql


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