android - Center aligned selection with animation in ListView (?) -

android - Center aligned selection with animation in ListView (?) -

i need component works image below i'm having problem coming kind of decent solution works.

i want list have center locked selection beingness scrollable d-pad. application running on tv no need touch scroll. when pressing downwards on remote d-pad list scroll , new item size , current selected 1 size downwards , new selection still in middle.

i've tried doing using listview extended , programmatically scrolling when pressing downwards or up. on scroll finished called notifydatasetchanged() on listview re-inflating of childs , in listviews adapters getview() made animation of view located @ current selected position.

this not optimal since need phone call notifydatasetchanged(), re-inflates visible views, animation apply. ui becomes laggy when doing , scrolling fast. it's not possible create som kind of compress animation when current selected item goes out of selection. there problem end items (read views) such first or lastly in list when doing animation of them, may go out of screen.

i think must have been done before , maybe i'm missing when searching answer.

have done similar or have suggestions of how can achieved? maybe i'm starting of wrong component here..

regards, kristoffer

android android-layout android-animation


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