How to create a function using MySQL Workbench? -

How to create a function using MySQL Workbench? -

i have mssql background.

i trying create function in mysql workbench rightclicking on 'functions' > 'create function'.

i insert text create function window says there errors in sql @ lastly line missing 'if'.(sql below). missing?

2nd qn. (related)

if create function using function sql (not using menu in mysql workbench), function gets created doesn't appear in 'functions' beingness shown in schema working on. recommended way create functions in mysql workbench?


create function fnisexcluded(concattedstring nvarchar(15), invalue decimal) returns bit begin declare individual varchar(20) default null; declare returnvalue bit; if (length(concattedstring)) < 1 set returnvalue = 0; else if concattedstring null set returnvalue = 0; else if invalue null set returnvalue = 0; else set returnvalue = 1; end if; homecoming returnvalue; end;

you didn't version of mysql workbench using.

1) syntax error in routine editor because in older versions editor did not handle delimiters automatically. hence you'd need command alter default delimiter, like:

delimiter $$

(at top of text) alter default (semicolon) custom 1 (double dollar). reason have default delimiter needed in function definition , if not changed client (here mysql workbench) wrongly split function command individual commands. however, can update latest mysql workbench version (6.2.3 @ time of writing) have handled automatically.

2) changes in db construction cannot picked automatically because mean load db content @ frequent intervals, not feasible non-trivial db. hence have trigger manually, clicking refresh button.

however, changes (especially additions or deletions did in mysql workbench) either tracked or there in future versions).

mysql function mysql-workbench


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