c++ - Can't set windows name -

c++ - Can't set windows name -

this question has reply here:

argument of type const char* incompatible parameter of type “lpcwstr” 1 reply

so tried set window, when needed name window told me. (error: argument of type “const char*” incompatible of type “lpcwstr”) programming createwindow method underneath. error should in line 2.

hwnd = createwindow( "engine_winter_name", "winter engine", ws_overlapped | ws_sysmenu | ws_caption, getsystemmetrics(sm_cxscreen)/2 - width/2, getsystemmetrics(sm_cyscreen)/2 - height/2, width, height, (hwnd)null, (hmenu)null, hinstance, (lpvoid*)null); if (!hwnd) homecoming false; showwindow(hwnd, ncmdshow); homecoming true;

all help more welcome! in advance.

you need wide string. prefix strings l.

hwnd = createwindow( l"engine_winter_name", l"winter engine",

c++ char window cons lpcwstr


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