objective c - How to disable autorotation in iOS 8 for a particular controller? -

objective c - How to disable autorotation in iOS 8 for a particular controller? -

-(bool)shouldautorotate { homecoming no; }

above method works 1 controller when there multiple viewcontrollers pushed on stack. want particular controller should displayed in portrait mode only.

- (void) viewwilltransitiontosize:(cgsize)size withtransitioncoordinator:(id<uiviewcontrollertransitioncoordinator>)coordinator { }

i have used above method suggested on stack overflow ios 8 not give desired result.

first, utilize -supportedinterfaceorientations instead of -shouldautorotate. -shouldautorotate should used when must disallow autorotation based on factors determined @ runtime. know view controller back upwards portrait mode, there no runtime decision here.

next, navigation controller's delegate must implement -navigationcontrollersupportedinterfaceorientations: method homecoming result of calling -supportedinterfaceorientations on view controller @ top of navigation stack.

-(nsuinteger)navigationcontrollersupportedinterfaceorientations:(uinavigationcontroller *)navigationcontroller { homecoming navigationcontroller.topviewcontroller.supportedinterfaceorientations; }

an of import caveat: view controller pushed onto navigation stack has no command on initial interface orientation; current interface orientation. above technique prevent interface rotating orientation other portrait while view controller displayed.

ios objective-c ios8 uiinterfaceorientation


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