xml - CFChart Lower Limit Issue -

xml - CFChart Lower Limit Issue -

working in coldfusion , trying chart running , i've run odd bug.

i'm not sure how or why lower y-axis limit beingness set -1000 instead of zero. none of info goes below 0. in image i've got set seriesplacement=stacked. test. otherwise here's code.

<cfchart title = "#variables.reportname# seedlings ordered" style = "../so_r_overall.xml" format = "png" pieslicestyle = "solid" show3d = "no" showborder = "yes" showlegend = "yes" tipstyle = "mouseover" chartheight = "#definedchartheight#" chartwidth = "#definedchartwidth#" font="arial" fontsize="12" fontbold="yes" scalefrom="0" > <cfchartseries type="bar" serieslabel="goal" query="getdivisiongoalsbydivision" valuecolumn="divisiongoal" itemcolumn = "division" datalabelstyle="value" seriescolor="99ccff" > </cfchartseries> <cfchartseries type="line" serieslabel="ordered" query="getqtyordered" valuecolumn="qtyordered" itemcolumn = "division" datalabelstyle="value" seriescolor="green" > </cfchartseries>

and xml beingness used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <framechart is3d="false"> <frame xdepth="3" ydepth="3" outline="#333333" lightcolor="white" leftaxisplacement="front" rightaxisplacement="front" stripcolor="#cccccc"/> <xaxis scalemin="0"> <labelstyle ishideoverlapped="false" orientation="horizontal"/> <titlestyle font="arial-10-bold" ismultiline="true">division</titlestyle> </xaxis> <yaxis scalemin="0"> <titlestyle font="arial-10-bold"/> <datetimestyle majorunit="year" minorunit="month"/> <labelformat style="pattern" pattern="#,##0"/> </yaxis> <datalabels font="arial-10" foreground="black" autocontrol="true"/> <legend> <![cdata[ $(rowlabel) ]]> </legend> <elements action="" shape="area" drawoutline="false"> <morph morph="grow"/> </elements> <decoration style="roundshadow"/> <popup background="#c8ffffff" foreground="#333333"/> <paint paint="plain"/> <insets left="5" top="5" right="5" bottom="5"/>

generated chart:

ah! in xml line 2 changed

<framechart is3d="false">


<framechart is3d="false" autoadjust="false">

update: see comments below context , explanation.

xml coldfusion coldfusion-8 cfchart


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