How to get an access to SASS variables in Slim, HAML etc.? -

How to get an access to SASS variables in Slim, HAML etc.? -

how access sass variables & mixins stored in assets directory of project straight html-preprocessors (slim, haml)?

i mean how create work things this:

// ruby slim style sass: @import 'lib/vars' body background: $color


class="lang-html prettyprint-override"><style type="text/css"> body { background: #fff } </style>

whereas $color defined somewhere in lib/_vars.sass , equals #fff.

why need it? well, need page-specific styles , elements , not want store them in global styles.

it doesn't work me in middleman+slim+sass+compass environment. ruby says:

error: file import not found or unreadable: lib/vars.

i wish there improve reply but, unfortunately, not possible.

sass haml slim-lang middleman


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