gbm - R - Caret - Using ROC instead of accuracy in model training -

gbm - R - Caret - Using ROC instead of accuracy in model training -

hi name abhi , using caret build gbm trees based model. instead of accuracy utilize roc metric

here code have far

mytunegrid <- expand.grid(n.trees = 500,interaction.depth = 11,shrinkage = 0.1) fitcontrol <- traincontrol(method = "repeatedcv", number = 7,repeats = 1, verboseiter = false,returnresamp = "all",classprobs = true) mymodel <- train(cover_type ~ .,data = modeldata,method = "gbm",trcontrol = fitcontrol,tunegrid = mytunegrid,metric='roc')

however when run code warning

warning message: in train.default(x, y, weights = w, ...) : metric "roc" not in result set. accuracy used instead.

how forcefulness model utilize roc instead of accuracy. doing wrong here?

here link github project source code?

r gbm


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