How Can i get the child element using class using php DOMXPath? -

How Can i get the child element using class using php DOMXPath? -

i want kid element specific class form html have manage find element using tag name can't figureout how can kid emlement specific class?

here code:

<?php $html = file_get_contents('myfileurl'); //get html returned next url $pokemon_doc = new domdocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //disable libxml errors if (!empty($html)) { //if html returned $pokemon_doc->loadhtml($html); libxml_clear_errors(); //remove errors yucky html $pokemon_xpath = new domxpath($pokemon_doc); //get h2's id $pokemon_row = $pokemon_xpath->query("//li[@class='content']"); if ($pokemon_row->length > 0) { foreach ($pokemon_row $row) { $title = $row->getelementsbytagname('h3'); foreach ($title $a) { echo "title: "; echo strip_tags($a->nodevalue). '<br>'; } $links = $row->getelementsbytagname('a'); foreach ($links $l) { echo "link: "; echo strip_tags($l->nodevalue). '<br>'; } $desc = $row->getelementsbytagname('span'); //i tried didnt work..... iwant span class desc //$desc = $row->query("//span[@class='desc']"); foreach ($desc $d) { echo "desc: "; echo strip_tags($d->nodevalue) . '<br><br>'; } // echo $row->nodevalue . "<br/>"; } } } ?>

please allow me know if duplicate cant find out or think question not or not explaining please allow me know in comments.




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