mvc - Cookie expires or session timeout too soon - mvc - Cookie expires or session timeout too soon -

i have code run when user authorized:

formsauthenticationticket authticket = new formsauthenticationticket( 1, email,,, true, userdata); string encticket = formsauthentication.encrypt(authticket); httpcookie facookie = new httpcookie(formsauthentication.formscookiename, encticket); facookie.expires = authticket.expiration; response.cookies.add(facookie);

i redirect controller/action has authrize attribute:

[authorize] public class productscontroller : controller {

i have next in web.config:

<authentication mode="forms"> <forms loginurl="~/home/unauthorized" timeout="2880" /> </authentication> <sessionstate timeout="120"></sessionstate>

however users complaining of session timing out or redirecting home/unauthorized after couple of mins of inactivity.

what causing this, else should check?

a couple of thoughts before go possible solution of why logins expiring. first, formsauthentication cookie , sessionstate 2 different things completely. can have 1 or other, or both or neither. result, timeouts these 2 items not related.

the formsauthentication cookie encrypted cookie contains basic info such user name , expiration value. .net application uses cookie 1 time user has authenticated know if user authorized resources.

what controls encryption , decryption of formsauthentication cookie machinekey web application on iis. machinekey set of keys used encrypt , decrypt cookie. default, web application on iis set autogenerate machine key. means when application starts, random machine key generated. if application recycles, new machine key. additionally, if hosting on shared provider, web host typically have application load balanced, meaning hosted more 1 server. each 1 of servers auto generate machine key.

if web application on load balanced scenario, each machine in web farm cannot decrypt other's encrypted cookie. give appearance of "being logged out". illustration of logging in on web server a, subsequent request goes web server b. web server b not share machine key web server , cannot decrypt cookie, sending user login page.

the solution define machinekey section in web.config each instance of iis utilize same keys if application pool recycles, still have same machine key.

here example machine key place in web.config

<system.web> <machinekey validationkey="ebc1ef196cac273717c9c96d69d8ef314793fce2dbb98b261d0c7677c8c7760a3483dde3b631bc42f7b98b4b13efb17b97a122056862a92b4e7581f15f4b3551" decryptionkey="5740e6e6a968c76c82bb465275e8c6c9ce08e698ce59a60b0beb2aa2da1b9ab3" validation="sha1" decryption="aes" /> </system.web>

additional thoughts expiration in web.config (2880) , setting expiration (120) not match. may want them both match. session forms-authentication session-cookies


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