Creating a CSV export from SQL Server 2012 (maybe with report builder) but none standard format -

Creating a CSV export from SQL Server 2012 (maybe with report builder) but none standard format -

using illustration query need csv file has header info in line 1, body info in line(2) 2 onwards.

salesid,custaccount,customerref,deliveryname,email linenum,itemid,name,salesqty,salesprice,createddatetime

select st.salesid, st.custaccount, st.customerref, st.deliveryname,, sl.linenum,sl.itemid,, sl.salesqty, sl.salesprice, sl.createddatetime salestable st inner bring together salesline sl on st.salesid = sl.salesid st.dataareaid 'fr' , st.salesid '%' , st.custaccount '%' , sl.itemid '%'

sql csv reportbuilder


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