generics - c# how can I compare type of template type to builtin type on runtime -

generics - c# how can I compare type of template type to builtin type on runtime -

that code doesn't compile, has thought how write logic correctly?

public void filbuff<t>(t p_tinput) { if(typeid(p_tinput )== typeof(string)) { m_bbuff = system.text.encoding.ascii.getbytes((string)p_tinput); } }

use typeof(t). this:

public void filbuff<t>(t p_tinput) { if(typeof(t) == typeof(string)) { m_bbuff = system.text.encoding.ascii.getbytes((string)p_tinput); } }

as aside, doing generics (not templates) little odd. might improve utilize overloaded method in case.

c# generics runtime


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