How to pass args to embedded python sub-interpreter? -

How to pass args to embedded python sub-interpreter? -

i need interpret few files (scripts) embedded python interpreter concurrently (to more detailed 1 script executes script popen , app intercepts , executes itself). i've found it's called sub-interpreter , i'm going utilize it. i've read sub-interpreter not have sys.argv:

the new environment has no sys.argv variable

i need pass argv anyway how can it?

you might find easier modify each of scripts follow pattern:

def run(*posargs, **argdict): """ work , can called with: import scriptname """ # code goes here , uses posargs[n] utilize sys.argv[n+1] if __name__ == "__main__": import sys run(sys.argv[1:])

then main script can phone call each of subscripts in turn calling run method.

python interpreter argv


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