eclipse - I am unable to upload attachment using SeleniumWebDriver -

eclipse - I am unable to upload attachment using SeleniumWebDriver -

this code

driver.findelement("ctl00_contentplaceholder1_cbpassociationnew_panelassndetailadd_add_photo_browse0")).click(); thread.sleep(2000); stringselection ss= new stringselection("c:\\users\\ns10\\desktop\\download.jpg"); toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemclipboard().setcontents(ss, ss); robot robo=new robot(); robo.delay(1000); robo.keypress(keyevent.vk_enter); robo.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_enter); robo.keypress(keyevent.vk_control); robo.keypress(keyevent.vk_v); robo.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_v); robo.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_control); robo.keypress(keyevent.vk_enter); robo.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_enter);

when run above code in eclipse, clicks on file upload; windows pop comes doesn't select file mentioned. idle.

could please help me this.

if possible seek first,


this noted way upload file via selenium webdriver of now, don't have bother clicking on file upload button , using robot class upload image. sending path of file upload accomplish upload.

              if still doesn't work, below alternative way using robot , sikuli (combined) accomplish task:-


sometimes, robot class types "attachment_path" "file name" field of textbox doesn't presses 'enter key' thereafter file upload.


to avert that, i've used sikuli click on open button, infact uploads file then; (note:- have take screenshot of open button in window's dialog box, comes after clicking on "file upload button".

first of download sikuli-api standalone jar. and, add together build path of project. then, add together below code file upload:-

//clicking on file upload button driver.findelement("ctl00_contentplaceholder1_cbpassociationnew_panelassndetailadd_add_photo_browse0")).click(); //copying path of file clipboard stringselection attachment = new stringselection("c:\\users\\ns10\\desktop\\download.jpg"); //path attachment toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemclipboard().setcontents(attachment, null); //pasting contents of clipboard in field "file name" of window pop-up robot robot = new robot(); robot.keypress(keyevent.vk_control); robot.keypress(keyevent.vk_v); robot.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_v); robot.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_control); try{ screenregion screen = new desktopscreenregion(); //screen default screen part corresponds entire screen on default monitor. target target = new imagetarget(new file("<put here path open button's image>")); screenregion screen_web = screen.wait(target,5000); screen_web = screen.find(target); //screen_web holds screen part occupied "open" button found sikuli's image recognition engine. if(screen_web != null) { mouse mouse = new desktopmouse(); // create mouse object; // utilize mouse object click on center of target region, i.e., open button }else{ throw new throwable(); } }catch(throwable e){ system.err.println("the open file button wasn't clicked!!" + e.getmessage() + "\n---------------------"); }

code uploading in tiny :-

package pack_ads; import java.awt.awtexception; import java.awt.robot; import java.awt.toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.stringselection; import java.awt.event.keyevent; import; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import org.sikuli.api.desktopscreenregion; import org.sikuli.api.imagetarget; import org.sikuli.api.screenregion; import; import org.sikuli.api.robot.mouse; import org.sikuli.api.robot.desktop.desktopmouse; public class testing_tinypicupload { public static void main(string[] args) throws awtexception, interruptedexception { webdriver driver = new firefoxdriver(); //opens firefox browser instance driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(30, timeunit.seconds); //timeout of 30 seconds given driver.manage().window().maximize(); //maximizing window //navigating tiny pic site driver.get(""); //uploading photo driver.findelement(by.xpath("//input[@id='the_file']")).click(); //locating attach button //copying path of file clipboard stringselection photo = new stringselection("d:\\\\images\\default.jpg"); //putting path of image upload toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getsystemclipboard().setcontents(photo, null); //pasting contents of clipboard in field "file name" of window pop-up thread.sleep(5000); robot robot = new robot(); robot.keypress(keyevent.vk_control); robot.keypress(keyevent.vk_v); robot.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_v); robot.keyrelease(keyevent.vk_control); try{ screenregion screen = new desktopscreenregion(); //screen default screen part corresponds entire screen on default monitor. target target = new imagetarget(new file("tinyimages\\open_file.png")); //made folder in project tinyimages , set image of open_file in there. screenregion screen_web = screen.wait(target,5000); screen_web = screen.find(target); //screen_web holds screen part occupied "open" button found sikuli's image recognition engine. if(screen_web != null) { mouse mouse = new desktopmouse(); // create mouse object; // utilize mouse object click on center of target region, i.e., open button } else{ throw new throwable(); } system.out.println("attachment done.\n------------------------------\n"); }catch(throwable e){ system.err.println("the open file button wasn't clicked!!" + e.getmessage() + "\n------------------------------"); } } }

note: can download utilize image "open" button here. alter file path accordingly in code target target = new imagetarget(new file("tinyimages\\open_file.png"));

eclipse testing selenium-webdriver


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