tabs - Javafx TabPane with StackPane and custom Controls -

tabs - Javafx TabPane with StackPane and custom Controls -

i'm developing app in javafx. mainly, app using tabpane controller. in first tab, i'm loading controller stackpane. in stackpane i'm loading default, 1 list view custom cells. in each cell i'm having buttons. want add together new pane in stack pane , bring front end when button clicked. tried tofront() , toback() can't working. i've check, , both panes loaded , content right one. can't attach photos because don`t have plenty rep.

any suggestion appreciated.

it's hard know what's going wrong since didn't post code, stackpane javadocs:

the z-order of children defined order of children list 0th kid beingness bottom , lastly kid on top. if border and/or padding have been set, children layed out within insets.

so move node front, should move end of list:

stackpane stackpane = ... ; node node = ... ; // move node front: // remove node current location in kid list" stackpane.getchildren().remove(node); // add together node in @ end of kid list: stackpane.getchildren().add(node);

tabs javafx stack custom-controls fxml


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