Oracle 12 C Vs Postgresql Data size on disk difference -

Oracle 12 C Vs Postgresql Data size on disk difference -

i new database world , evaluating utilize of either oracle 12c or postgresql new project. have oracle 12c installation on server hardware redhat linux ( rhel 6.5) , postgresql installation on laptop on windows 7. created next table on each 1 of them , inserted dummy info using java programme them.

first inserted info postgresql , programme inserted around 18 1000000 rows , disk consumption increased 16 gb. same programme inserted info in oracle , found oracle consumed entire tablespace limit of 100 gb 4.3 1000000 rows. can guide me why oracle taking much of diskspace similar data? there setting should doing in oracle consumes less disk space? not have indices defined yet.

sql query used create table in oracle given below.

create table oct102014 ( timestamp , b varchar2(1000) , c varchar2(1000) , d int , e int , f int , g int , h float , varchar2(32000) , j int , k int , l int , m int , n float , o varchar2(32000) , p int , q int , r int , s int , t float , u varchar2(32000) , v varchar2(32000) , w varchar2(32000) , primarykey int );

sql query used create table in postgresql given below.

create table oct102014 ( timestamp , b int , c int , d int , e int , f int , g int , h float , text , j int , k int , l int , m int , n float , o text , p int , q int , r int , s int , t float , u text , v text , w text , primarykey int ); additional thought

in column i, o, u, v , w, putting same string rows in sample info insertion program. possible postgresql finds out , stores 1 re-create rows? reason low disk space consumption in postgresql. oracle might not doing that. please comment.

if created tablespace 100gb initial size will consume 100gb on disk.

to measure size of tables need query scheme view user_segments.

the size of tablespace file not reflect size of tables in table space.

the next show size tables , indexes in current schema use:

select segment_name, segment_type, sum(bytes) total_bytes user_segments grouping segment_name, segment_type;

oracle postgresql


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