windows runtime - Why does MusicProperties->Year always return the current year? -
windows runtime - Why does MusicProperties->Year always return the current year? - i'm trying music properties each file in music library using storagefolder apis. after calling getfilesasync(commonfilequery::orderbyname) on music library i'm iterating on resulting ivectorview^ , calling storagefile->properties->getmusicpropertiesasync() each file, inherently slow have way, since queryoptions not supported on windows phone reason. anyway, after completing task every property right except musicproperties->year, 2014 every single 1 of on 900 music files on phone. here's short code snippet: create_task(lib->getfilesasync(search::commonfilequery::orderbyname)) .then([](ivectorview<storagefile^>^ songfiles) { auto taskptr = std::make_shared<std::vector<task<song>>>(songfiles->size); (size_t = 0, len = songfiles->size; < len; ++i) { storagefile^ song = songfiles->getat(i); (*taskptr)[...