SVN update using windows task scheduler not working -

SVN update using windows task scheduler not working -

i want setup windows cron job update svn. created batch file step:

start tortoiseproc.exe /command:update /path:"c:\svn" /closeonend:0

and setup task scheduler run daily. svn requires password want come in each time rather cache it. batch file works expected without issues.

the task scheduler shows job executed. however, don't gui come in password, neither directory updated. also, when tried manually update svn directory thereafter, says svn locked.

why task scheduler reporting successful? why svn getting locked?

task scheduler reports success because start seems homecoming exit code 0. start starts application , exits. doesn't wait until started application has exited. task scheduler never sees exit code of tortoiseproc way.

you can start wait. come in start /? in cmd more information. can cmd /k itself. come in cmd /? in cmd more information.

but don't think need start or cmd @ all. can either run tortoiseproc straight or phone call via batch script. in batch script can add together more debugging echos , redirected output in files see happens.

windows svn cron


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