charts - Android charting libraries -

charts - Android charting libraries -

i developing app android , trying find fast , reliable charting library. after searching, found 4 libraries: achartengine, williamchart, hellocharts , androidplot. need date feedback performance , stability of these libraries because info find outdated. thanks.

i can recommend mpandroidchart.

core features:

linechart, barchart (vertical & horizontal), piechart, scatterchart, candlestickchart (for financial data), radarchart (spider web chart), bubblechart combined charts (e.g. lines , bars in one) scaling on both axes (with touch-gesture, axes separately or pinch-zoom) dragging / panning (with touch-gesture) separate (dual) y-axes highlighting values (with customizeable popup-views) save chart sd-card (as image) predefined color templates legends (generated automatically, customizeable) customizeable axes (both x- , y-axis) animations (build animations, on both x- , y-axis) limit lines (providing additional information, maximums, ...) listeners touch & selection callbacks fully customizeable (paints, typefaces, legends, colors, background, dashed lines, ...) mobile database support smooth rendering 30.000 info points in line- , barchart lightweight (method count ~1.4k) available .jar file (only 500kb in size) available gradle dependency , via maven good documentation example project (code demo-application) google-playstore demo application widely used, great back upwards on both github , stackoverflow also available ios: ios-charts

android charts achartengine androidplot mpandroidchart


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