ios - Dynamically setting size of frame of a UITableView which is placed in UIScrollView -

ios - Dynamically setting size of frame of a UITableView which is placed in UIScrollView -

i using swift , have story board containing uiviewcontroller includes uiscrollview uitableview.

what trying load excel file in table need scroll horizontally. can set content size of scroll view with:

scrollview.contentsize = cgsize(width: 3500, height: scrollview.contentsize.height)

i need set size of frame of uitableview. when set storyboard field shown works, when set programmatically viewdidload method not work. width value shown changed 3500 when checked in tableview cellforrowatindexpath method, see value set in story board.

here sample project created see if create asking for.

ios iphone uitableview swift uiscrollview


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