xml - Returning DocuSign Customer Data field values -

xml - Returning DocuSign Customer Data field values -

is there way info values entered docusign document custom field returned document(s)? using soap api interface docusign , sending in documents , xml request recipient/signer come in info fields (data entry, check boxes, radio buttons, etc.)

from our research appears docusign returns documents , info pdf, want have info sent in xml response docusign.

it appears there additional phone call docusign named "getenvelopecustomfield" retieve info not sure how phone call works. cannot seem find much info on call.

if has done or has advice appreciate feedback.


yes there api calls in both soap , rest. in soap create requestenvelope call, , homecoming info envelope including documents, recipients, , tabs. instance, part of response coming contain this:

<tabs> <tab> <documentid>positiveinteger</documentid> <recipientid>positiveinteger</recipientid> <pagenumber>nonnegativeinteger</pagenumber> <xposition>nonnegativeinteger</xposition> <yposition>nonnegativeinteger</yposition> <scalevalue>decimal</scalevalue> <anchortabitem xsi:nil="true" /> <type>initialhere or signhere or fullname or firstname or lastname or emailaddress or company or title or datesigned or initialhereoptional or envelopeid or custom or signerattachment or signhereoptional or approve or decline or signerattachmentoptional</type> <name>string</name> <tablabel>string</tablabel> <value>string</value> <customtabtype>text or checkbox or radio or list or date or number or ssn or zip5 or zip5dash4 or email or note or formula</customtabtype> <customtabwidth>int</customtabwidth> <customtabheight>int</customtabheight> <customtabrequired>boolean</customtabrequired> <customtablocked>boolean</customtablocked> <customtabdisableautosize>boolean</customtabdisableautosize> <customtablistitems>string</customtablistitems> <customtablistvalues>string</customtablistvalues> <customtablistselectedvalue>string</customtablistselectedvalue> <customtabradiogroupname>string</customtabradiogroupname> <customtabvalidationpattern>string</customtabvalidationpattern> <customtabvalidationmessage>string</customtabvalidationmessage> <templatelocked>boolean</templatelocked> <templaterequired>boolean</templaterequired> <conditionalparentlabel>string</conditionalparentlabel> <conditionalparentvalue>string</conditionalparentvalue> <sharedtab>boolean</sharedtab> <requireinitialonsharedtabchange>boolean</requireinitialonsharedtabchange> <concealvalueondocument>boolean</concealvalueondocument> <font>arial or arialnarrow or calibri or couriernew or garamond or georgia or helvetica or lucidaconsole or tahoma or timesnewroman or trebuchet or verdana</font> <bold>boolean</bold> <italic>boolean</italic> <underline>boolean</underline> <fontcolor>black or brightblue or brightred or darkred or darkgreen or gold or greenish or navyblue or violet or white</fontcolor> <fontsize>size7 or size8 or size9 or size10 or size11 or size12 or size14 or size16 or size18 or size20 or size22 or size24 or size26 or size28 or size36 or size48 or size72</fontsize> <mergefieldxml>string</mergefieldxml> <includenoteinemail>boolean</includenoteinemail> <ispaymentamount>boolean</ispaymentamount> <formula>string</formula> <rounddecimalplaces>int</rounddecimalplaces> <maxlength>int</maxlength> <senderrequired>boolean</senderrequired> </tab> </tabs>

you need parse xml , retrieve whichever values you're interested in. here schema of requestenvelope call:


xml docusignapi docusign
