list - How to speed up a search in a long document using python? -

list - How to speed up a search in a long document using python? -

i wondering if possible search in vim using python in order speed search in long document.

i have text document of 140.000 lines. have list (mysearches) 115 different search patterns. want set lines matches in list (hits)

this now:

in range(0,len(mysearches)-1) line in range(1, line("$")) allow idx = match(getline(line), mysearches[i]) if idx >= 0 phone call add(hits, line) endif endfor endfor

"remove double linenumbers:

allow unduplist=filter(copy(hits), 'index(hits, v:val, v:key+1)==-1')

the problem search takes on 5 minutes. how can adapt above search python search?

how this:

let pattern=join(mysearches, '\|') allow mylist = systemlist('grep -n "'.pattern.'" '. shellescape(fnamemodify(@%, ':p')). ' | cutting -d: -f1')

this works joining pattern \| (e.g. oring different patterns), shelling out , using grep process pattern. grep should pretty fast, lot more vim , perchance faster either python or perl (of course of study depends on pattern). homecoming value list, containing matching lines. since used -n switch of grep received matching line numbers in turn cutting out using cut.

systemlist() contains output split @ \ mylist should contain lines, matching pattern. of course of study depends on pattern, if utilize standard bre or ere (-e) or perl re (-p switch) should okay. depending on flavor of re desired, joining part needs adjusted.

note untested, real robust solution, 1 add together more error handling (possibly preprocessing of pattern) , split whole part little bit, easier read.

python list search vim match
