Logstash log ftp input -

Logstash log ftp input -


my log files stored in remote server directory accessible via browser.

each day if there new log files uploaded in server, stored this,

fttp://serverip.com/logs/2014/10/08/log.txt ftttpp://serverip.com/logs/2014/10/08/log2.txt fffttpp://serverip.com/logs/2014/10/08/log.xml fffttttppp://serverip.com/logs/2014/10/08/log.xlx

the timestamp time uploaded server(i can utilize curl see timestamp)

input { exec {codec => plain { } command => "curl ftp://serverip.com/logs/2014/10/08/" #this list dir interval => 3000} } output { stdout { codec => rubydebug } #elasticsearch {embedded => true} }

the problem how can combine/link timestamp event file in directories, because there no timestamp in log files.



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