java - Accessing an ArrayList of another class -

java - Accessing an ArrayList of another class -

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accessing instance of variable class in java 3 answers

ok guys, may've been posted , asked before, it's hard explain in few words, it's hard hell search well!

what want this, first class:

public class footballer { int goals; string surname= ""; string team=""; private static int counter=0; private int dres; }

(this header of class, give thought of how looks)...

and second class, contains arraylist of first class:

public class footballteam{ string teamname=""; string league=""; arraylist<footballer> f; }

and third class contains arraylist of sec clas:

public class footballleague{ string leaguename=""; arraylist<footballteam> ft; }

what want is, know how many of footballers there in league? meaning how many of "f"s in "ft"... remember c++ easy, did this: ft.f[i]; (where position), you'd go through each of them, if wanted them, or inquire it's length, if needed know how much footballers there.

i hope clear enough, please inquire me if don't i'm asking..

it's easy in java,

int counter = 0; for(footballteam team : ft) counter += team.f.size();

java arraylist


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