c++ - How to find the keys of map which are not in the keys of another map? -

c++ - How to find the keys of map which are not in the keys of another map? -

i have declared 2 maps m1 , m2.

map m1's keys in keys of m2. keys of m2 not in keys of m1.

can help me how find uncommon keys in m2 compared keys of m1?


m1 contains:

3=> 1 2 4 6=> 3 4 6

m2 contains:

3 => 3 5 6 6 => 6 4 8 8 => 2 4 3 10 => 2 5 7 9

the output 8 , 10.

you can std::set_difference. example:

std::map<int, std::string> m1; m1[3] = "1 2 4"; m1[6] = "3 4 6"; std::map<int, std::string> m2; m2[3] = "3 5 6"; m2[6] = "6 4 8"; m2[8] = "2 4 3"; m2[10] = "2 5 7 9"; std::map<int, std::string> m3; std::set_difference(m2.begin(), m2.end(), m1.begin(), m1.end(), std::inserter(m3, m3.begin()), m1.value_comp()); (auto = m3.begin(); != m3.end(); ++i) { std::cout << "[" << i->first << "," << i->second << "]"; } std::cout << std::endl;


[8,2 4 3][10,2 5 7 9]


c++ map


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