objective c - [AnyObject]? does not have a member named 'mutableCopy' -

objective c - [AnyObject]? does not have a member named 'mutableCopy' -

var sortingarray:nsmutablearray? sortingarray = fetchedresultscontroller?.fetchedobjects.mutablecopy()

i error

[anyobject]? not have fellow member named 'mutablecopy'

how pull out mutable copy?

the fetchedobjects property of nsfetchedresultscontroller defined [anyobject]? - don't have convert nsarray or nsmutablearray - utilize is.

since array in swift value type, copied value , not reference, means re-create created assigning variable. in:

var sortingarray = fetchedresultscontroller?.fetchedobjects

a re-create of fetchedobjects copied sortingarray.

objective-c swift nsmutablearray


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