How to automate drawing a signature in selenium webdriver -

How to automate drawing a signature in selenium webdriver -

<div class="cnvswrapper" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0px none; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">draw signature div>

steps: need select tool tip , need draw signature (using mouse) in selenium webdriver. can body help me on this?

you can "draw" using actions , movebyoffset interactions. but, won't able (as far know) draw "sophisticated" stuff.

see code example:

actions builder = new actions(driver); action drawaction = builder.movetoelement(signaturewebelement, x, y) //signaturewebelement element holds signature element have in dom .clickandhold() .movebyoffset(dest.x1, dest.y1) .movebyoffset(dest.x2, dest.y2) .release() .build(); dragaction.perform();

selenium webdriver


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