sbt - How to extract dependency jar to specific folder during compilation? -

sbt - How to extract dependency jar to specific folder during compilation? -

these project's dependencies:

librarydependencies ++= seq( javajdbc, javaebean, cache, javaws, "" % "common_2.11" % "2.3.3" )

in there jar file common_2.11-2.3.3-adtnl.jar.

how can during compilation process in build.sbt tell sbt extract contents specific folder in project?

use next in build.sbt:

def unpackjar(jar: file, to: file): file = { println(s"processing $jar , saving $to") io.unzip(jar, to) jar } resourcegenerators in compile += def.task { val jar = (update in compile).value .select(configurationfilter("compile")) .filter("common")) .head val = (target in compile).value / "unjar" unpackjar(jar, to) seq.empty[file] }.taskvalue

it assumes "common" unique part amongst of dependencies. you'd need prepare filter otherwise.

it assumes don't want files @ compile, bit later when package called. you'd need move code between def.task{...} compile in compile block like:

compile in compile <<= (compile in compile).dependson(def.task { val jar = (update in compile).value .select(configurationfilter("compile")) .filter("common")) .head val = (target in compile).value / "unjar" unpackjar(jar, to) seq.empty[file] })



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