android - Dynamically Created Radio Button or CheckBox does not use Color Accent -

android - Dynamically Created Radio Button or CheckBox does not use Color Accent -

using v21 appcompat can set custom color themes following:

<style name="theme.mytheme" parent="theme.appcompat"> <!-- customize color palette --> <item name="colorprimary">@color/primary</item> <item name="colorprimarydark">@color/primary_dark</item> <item name="coloraccent">@color/accent</item> </style>

but have bunch of dynamically created checkboxes , radio buttons which not inflated xml. these dynamically created objects not inherit color accent have specified. can set these color accents properly?

you can't other creating layout file 1 checkbox in , inflate it.

as developers site stated: the material theme design can applied when loading views using layout inflater.

this because new material design backport hooks layout inflation process.


edit: in newer versions 22.1+ of appcompat v7 widgets checkbox , radiobutton can created dynamically (no longer hidden/internal api).

currently these widgets supported:

appcompatautocompletetextview appcompatbutton appcompatcheckbox appcompatcheckedtextview appcompatedittext appcompatmultiautocompletetextview appcompatradiobutton appcompatratingbar appcompatspinner appcompattextview appcompatseekbar (since 23.1) appcompatimagebutton (since 23.1) appcompatimageview (since 23.1)

android themes android-5.0-lollipop appcompat


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