java - Issue in setting global array value with onPostExecute -

java - Issue in setting global array value with onPostExecute -

i trying set globally defined string[] placessuggestion; using onpostexecute of asynctask<string, string, string[]>

the onpostexecute method looks :

@override protected void onpostexecute(string[] suggestionarray){ //log.d("suggestionarray", arrays.tostring(suggestionarray)); super.onpostexecute(suggestionarray); fillplacessuggestion(suggestionarray); log.d("suggestionarray", arrays.tostring(suggestionarray)); }

fillplacessuggestion function looks :

public void fillplacessuggestion(string[] suggestionarray){ placessuggestion = suggestionarray; }

oncreate method looks :

super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); sourceet = (edittext) findviewbyid(; destinationet = (edittext) findviewbyid(; new myasynctask().execute(); log.d("placessuggestion", arrays.tostring(placessuggestion));

the suggestionarray log giving out expected value placesuggestion log not.

can help me out in resolving issue new android development.

when seek log :

log.d("placessuggestion", arrays.tostring(placessuggestion));

the task not yet finished. wait if want right value placessuggestion

myasynctask task = new myasynctask(); task.execute(); if (task.get() != null) // waiting { log.d("placessuggestion", arrays.tostring(placessuggestion)); }

java android android-asynctask


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