Connect to Riak and store data via Erlang -

Connect to Riak and store data via Erlang -

my goal of test module start storing info input on own in local node.

i have set local node on computer. attached new erlang module via riak attach.

in module test.erl there riakconnect function far:

riakconnect() -> riakc_pb_socket:start_link("", 8087).

i have receive part in same module looks similar (now commented out):

riakreceive() -> receive {store, bucket, key, value} -> ... end.

the problem when attach file, node's console says riakc_pb_socket:start_link() undefined , nil reacts in there.

i assume missing info here.

are running node riakc_pb_socket in path? if repo's readme have start vm compiled erlang binary files added erl path

$ erl -pa $path_to_riakc/ebin $path_to_riakc/deps/*/ebin

if in erlang shell can verify able load module l(modulename). function. , check path (where binaries) code:get_path().. modify (add new directories) general rule should have right vm starting script/command.

and finally, if developing own application (which think are) tools rebar. there describe dependencies, erlang-riak client, , help downloading , compiling them. strart vm simple

erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin

edit after comments

riak application, , erlang can connect wright it. within working production stuff. quite dangerous, or be. should leave riak be. @ to the lowest degree internals. riak gives stable interface connect form outside.

so lets that. live riaks nodes running, , write yet application "speak" it. , speaking utilize riak-erlang client basho itself.

first step creating development environment utilize of rebar build tool. fallowing getting started guide

$ mkdir myapp $ cd myapp $ wget && chmod u+x rebar $ rebar create-app appid=myapp

other few other files have src folder can (and will) set custom modules. can check if compiles ./rebar compile command. compiled files in bin folder (same level src) , have .beam extension (just java have .java).

next thing need accual library. need riakc_pb_socket.beam run riakc_pb_socket module. easiest way download sources , compile them. , quite easy since utilize rebar building stuff.

we gonna create rebar.config file , populate dependency

{deps, [{ riakc, ".*" , {git, "", {branch, "1."}}} ]}.

and download , compile

$ ./rebar get-deps compile

and should able start new erlang vm, give name, add together path bineries (from custom modules, , dependencies) , shell run code.

$ erl -sname myapp -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin (myapp@localhost) 1> custom_module:riakconnect().

and should pass.

if run code straight scheme console erl -run or escript.

and should going.

erlang riak


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