c++ - Issue with ItkVtkGlue -

c++ - Issue with ItkVtkGlue -

i'm trying run example: http://www.itk.org/wiki/itk/examples/io/imagefilereader

but, next when "configure" in cmake:

cmake error @ cmakelists.txt:11 (find_package): not providing "finditkvtkglue.cmake" in cmake_module_path project has asked cmake find bundle configuration file provided "itkvtkglue", cmake did not find one. not find bundle configuration file provided "itkvtkglue" of next names: itkvtkglueconfig.cmake itkvtkglue-config.cmake add together installation prefix of "itkvtkglue" cmake_prefix_path or set "itkvtkglue_dir" directory containing 1 of above files. if "itkvtkglue" provides separate development bundle or sdk, sure has been installed.

it seems need "itkvtkglue"? can download it? and, should combine program?

vtkglue module within itk, default not built. need enable module cmake when build itk. also, before this, need download , build vtk (which similar building itk). assuming on unix-like system, have vtk installed, have src , bin folder itk, , sitting in bin folder, this:

ccmake ../src

at point bunch of options pop in terminal. press t advanced options. utilize arrow keys scroll downwards module_itkvtkglue. 1 time there, utilize come in key toggle alternative on. configure, configure, configure, generate usual. finally:

make sudo create install

many of examples on itk wiki utilize vtkglue. can see how format cmakelists.txt file looking @ of those.

c++ vtk itk


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