web api - Character 'E' in OData v4's function string parameter is causing 404 error - web api - Character 'E' in OData v4's function string parameter is causing 404 error -

i'm having weird problem when i'm writing odata function. function takes string parameter, , returns collection of dtos. function works fine long string parameter doesn't contain character 'e'. i'm wondering if bug in urlroutingmodule or something?

the method declaration is:

[enablequery] [odataroute("getmaintaininglogbyidnumber(idnumber={idnumber})")] public ienumerable<maintaininglogdto> getmaintaininglogbyidnumber([fromodatauri]string idnumber)

and code register function in edm model is:

modelbuilder .function("getmaintaininglogbyidnumber") .returnscollectionfromentityset<maintaininglogdto>("maintaininglog") .parameter<string>("idnumber");

if phone call function with


the function returns right result. , url, includes ’e' cause 404


all other characters working fine.

it indeed bug of url parser of our odatalib implementation, github issue has been opened in our issue tracker: , fixed in our internal code base. should able see prepare in our next nuget release , corresponding prepare code in our next github source update. http-status-code-404 action odata


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