java - Doxygen annotation/attribute are ignored -
java - Doxygen annotation/attribute are ignored -
i utilize doxygen generate xml transform custom documentation.
is there possibility doxygen includes annotation of field / class / function.
the annotation ignored in both java , c#. ex:
class user { [required] string username {get;set;} }
the "required" annotation not parsed/displayed in doxygen.
what have in xml / html output of doxygen annotated annotations of property / field / class (in ex. "[required]").
useless in case. @ answer, think idea: doxygen , add together value of attribute output documentation
so have create filter (for illustration in phyton) used doxygen convert annotation comment. don’t forget inform doxygen filter: input_filter =
have same problem modified illustration in way:
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import re if (len(sys.argv) < 2): print "no input file" else: f = open(sys.argv[1]) line = f.readline() while line: re1 = re.compile("\s*\[(.*)]\s*") sys.stdout.write(re1.sub(r"/// <para>annotation: [\1]</para>\n", line)) #sys.stdout.write(line) line = f.readline() f.close()
so code like
will converted to:
/// <param> annotation [anyannotation()] </param>`
so got nice result. tag <param>
avoid doxygen set annotation description main description. instead set remarks section.
java c# annotations doxygen
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