c# - 2 decimal places in web grid for mvc - need total value to display value with 2 decimal places -

c# - 2 decimal places in web grid for mvc - need total value to display value with 2 decimal places -

2 decimal places in web grid mvc - need total value display value 2 decimal places

@grid.gethtml( tablestyle: "table", fillemptyrows: true, headerstyle: "header", footerstyle: "grid-footer", mode: webgridpagermodes.all, columns: new[] { grid.column(columnname: "selfbillinvoicenumber", header: "invoice number"), //the model fields display grid.column(columnname: "selfbillitemtotalvalue", header: "total value") })

without knowing type of selfbillitemtotalvalue property, can recommend this:

grid.column( columnname: "selfbillitemtotalvalue", header: "total value", format: item => item.tostring("#.##") )

c# asp.net-mvc webgrid


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