ruby on rails - mongoid does not update the right objects of an embedded collection -

ruby on rails - mongoid does not update the right objects of an embedded collection -

i have document portfolio array of embedded docs portfolioitem portfolio_items. each of has array of image images. somehow can update first object in array here:

started patch "/admin/portfolios/5436dc1c646172844b000000/portfolio_items/5436dc27646172844b010000/images/5436dc40646172844b020000" @ 2014-10-14 17:06:13 -0300 processing admin::imagescontroller#update html parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"hhz3w90kmggk+lgtjlmgqmx295tvva6ificd4gqgg+8=", "image"=>{"title"=>"img 1", "description"=>"", "technique"=>"", "date"=>"", "public"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"atualizar image", "portfolio_id"=>"5436dc1c646172844b000000", "portfolio_item_id"=>"5436dc27646172844b010000", "id"=>"5436dc40646172844b020000"} moped: query database=portfolio_development collection=admins selector={"$query"=>{"_id"=>bson::objectid('4cb5fbc04174a17926000002')}, "$orderby"=>{:_id=>1}} flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil runtime: 1.2910ms moped: query database=portfolio_development collection=portfolios selector={"_id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc1c646172844b000000')} flags=[] limit=0 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil runtime: 2.6960ms moped: update database=portfolio_development collection=portfolios selector={"_id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc1c646172844b000000'), "portfolio_items._id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc27646172844b010000'), "portfolio_items.0.images._id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc40646172844b020000')} update={"$set"=>{"portfolio_items.0.images.$.public"=>false}} flags=[] command database=portfolio_development command={:getlasterror=>1, :w=>1} runtime: 1.2640ms redirected completed 302 found in 21ms

but if seek update one, equivalent output, relates correctly object want update

started patch "/admin/portfolios/5436dc1c646172844b000000/portfolio_items/5436dc27646172844b010000/images/5436de41646172844b040000" @ 2014-10-14 17:03:04 -0300 processing admin::imagescontroller#update html parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"hhz3w90kmggk+lgtjlmgqmx295tvva6ificd4gqgg+8=", "image"=>{"title"=>"img 3", "description"=>"", "technique"=>"", "date"=>"", "public"=>"0"}, "commit"=>"atualizar image", "portfolio_id"=>"5436dc1c646172844b000000", "portfolio_item_id"=>"5436dc27646172844b010000", "id"=>"5436de41646172844b040000"} moped: command database=admin command={:ismaster=>1} runtime: 1.0710ms moped: query database=portfolio_development collection=admins selector={"$query"=>{"_id"=>bson::objectid('4cb5fbc04174a17926000002')}, "$orderby"=>{:_id=>1}} flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil runtime: 1.0460ms moped: query database=portfolio_development collection=portfolios selector={"_id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc1c646172844b000000')} flags=[] limit=0 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil runtime: 2.8700ms moped: update database=portfolio_development collection=portfolios selector={"_id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc1c646172844b000000'), "portfolio_items._id"=>bson::objectid('5436dc27646172844b010000'), "portfolio_items.0.images._id"=>bson::objectid('5436de41646172844b040000')} update={"$set"=>{"portfolio_items.0.images.$.public"=>false}} flags=[] command database=portfolio_development command={:getlasterror=>1, :w=>1} runtime: 1.2790ms redirected completed 302 found in 26ms

i update object in same collection (with, of course, different id), namely, again, first object in collection.

the controller code selects right objects, update seems create mess. has idea, it?

here happens in controller, cannot observe error there, right objects selected:

class admin::imagescontroller < admin::admincontroller before_filter :find_parents def find_parents @portfolio = portfolio.find(params[:portfolio_id]) @portfolio_item = @portfolio.portfolio_items.find(params[:portfolio_item_id]) if params[:id] @image = @portfolio_item.images.find(params[:id]) end end def update @image.update_attributes(image_params) if @image.valid? redirect_to :back else flash[:error] = t('simple_form.error_notification.default_message') render template: 'admin/images/edit' end end def image_params params.require(:image).permit(:title, :description, :technique, :date, :image, :public, :delete_image) end end

also not getting error message.

here console session, shows behavior pretty clearly

loading development environment (rails 4.1.5) [1] pry(main)> p = portfolio.last => #<portfolio _id: 5436dc1c646172844b000000, index: 4, public: true, title: "test portfolio", _slugs: ["test-portfolio"], description: ""> [2] pry(main)> = p.portfolio_items.first => #<portfolioitem _id: 5436dc27646172844b010000, index: 0, public: true, title: "test item", _slugs: ["test-item"], client: "", description: "", date: nil> [3] pry(main)> imgs = i.images => [#<image _id: 5436dc40646172844b020000, index: 1, public: false, title: "i changed", _slugs: ["img-4", "i-was-changed-1"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 5436dc4b646172844b030000, index: 0, public: false, title: "img 2", _slugs: ["img-2"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 5436de41646172844b040000, index: 2, public: true, title: "img 3", _slugs: ["img-3"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 543d7ada6461722ec0010000, index: 3, public: false, title: "img 4", _slugs: ["img-4"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>] [4] pry(main)> img = imgs[3] => #<image _id: 543d7ada6461722ec0010000, index: 3, public: false, title: "img 4", _slugs: ["img-4"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil> [5] pry(main)> img.title = 'i changed' => "i changed" [6] pry(main)> => true [7] pry(main)> img.reload => #<image _id: 543d7ada6461722ec0010000, index: 3, public: false, title: "img 4", _slugs: ["img-4"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil> [8] pry(main)> [9] pry(main)> p = p.reload => #<portfolio _id: 5436dc1c646172844b000000, index: 4, public: true, title: "test portfolio", _slugs: ["test-portfolio"], description: ""> [10] pry(main)> = p.portfolio_items.first => #<portfolioitem _id: 5436dc27646172844b010000, index: 0, public: true, title: "test item", _slugs: ["test-item"], client: "", description: "", date: nil> [11] pry(main)> imgs = i.images => [#<image _id: 5436dc40646172844b020000, index: 1, public: false, title: "i changed", _slugs: ["img-4", "i-was-changed"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 5436dc4b646172844b030000, index: 0, public: false, title: "img 2", _slugs: ["img-2"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 5436de41646172844b040000, index: 2, public: true, title: "img 3", _slugs: ["img-3"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>, #<image _id: 543d7ada6461722ec0010000, index: 3, public: false, title: "img 4", _slugs: ["img-4"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>] [12] pry(main)> img = imgs[3] => #<image _id: 543d7ada6461722ec0010000, index: 3, public: false, title: "img 4", _slugs: ["img-4"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil> [13] pry(main)> changed = {|x| x.title == 'i changed'} => [#<image _id: 5436dc40646172844b020000, index: 1, public: false, title: "i changed", _slugs: ["img-4", "i-was-changed"], description: "", technique: "", date: nil, image_file_name: nil, image_content_type: nil, image_file_size: nil, image_updated_at: nil, image_fingerprint: nil>] [14] pry(main)> changed = {|x| x.title == 'i changed'}


portfolio portfolioitem image

and total mindboggling wtfing pleaseure - tests not fail:

test 'the right image updated' p = factorygirl.create(:portfolio) item = factorygirl.create(:portfolio_item) image1 = factorygirl.create(:image) image2 = factorygirl.create(:image) image3 = factorygirl.create(:image) item.images << image1 item.images << image2 item.images << image3 p.portfolio_items << item assert(p.valid?) pos = 0..2 pos.each |i| title = "hello world #{i}" pt= portfolio.first pt.portfolio_items[0].images[i].title = title pt.reload assert(pt.portfolio_items[0].images[i].title == title) pp pt.portfolio_items[0] { |x| x.title } end end

so, found out mongodb bug bites me here (why in webapp , not in test bit unclear me, that's story). issue is: , consequence updating mongodb 2.6.

ruby-on-rails mongodb mongoid


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