c++ - Writing ITK (insight Toolkit) results to local buffer -

c++ - Writing ITK (insight Toolkit) results to local buffer -

after applying itk filter pipeline, how write result buffer used (outside itk)?

the insight software guide has illustration book 1: chapter 4.1.7: "importing image info buffer", , same illustration found in wikiexamples.

it shows how 1 can wrap itk pointer around c++ array utilize farther using importimagefilter object. however, illustration uses writer object write filtered result file.

how write filtered result c++ array instead? or how overwrite array i've used input?

in essence, i've application contains image in buffer (localbuffer) can wrap next illustration code:

[...] const bool filterownsbuffer= false; importfilter->setimportpointer( localbuffer, size[0]*size[1], filterownsbuffer );

i can utilize it in itk pipeline , 'update' @ stage:

[...] filtertype::pointer filter = filtertype::new(); filter->setinput( importfilter->getoutput() ); filter->update();

how ensure localbuffer has filtered values? or, alternatively, how set different resultbuffer output values? have utilize image iterator , 'loop' on buffer manually? or can utilize filter->getoutput() more directly?

a little code illustration or link according illustration much appreciated. (simply "exporting image info buffer" equivalent given import example.)

imagetype::pointer output = filter->getoutput(); imagetype::pixelcontainer * outputcontainer = output->getpixelcontainer(); imagetype::pixelcontainer::element * resultbuffer = outputcontainer->getbufferpointer();

see image documentation , importimagecontainer documentation.

c++ itk


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