amazon web services - Why my AWS volume size is different from the actual size? -

amazon web services - Why my AWS volume size is different from the actual size? -

it's wried see actual disk size much less actual size. information, looks disk not partitioned.

i have no thought why actual size 20g disk size 100g, , how find other 80g back?

the image version stardard aws linux ami:

name="amazon linux ami" version="2014.09" id="amzn" id_like="rhel fedora" version_id="2014.09" pretty_name="amazon linux ami 2014.09" ansi_color="0;33" cpe_name="cpe:/o:amazon:linux:2014.09:ga" home_url="" amazon linux ami release 2014.09

try extending file scheme utilize of space on block device:

sudo resize2fs /dev/xvdb

the cloudinit software on ubuntu , amazon linux amis has command automatically run against root disk when scheme boots, don't have worry making root file scheme match volume size on new instances.

however, if create ebs info volume bigger original snapshotted volume size, need run manually.

see also:

amazon-web-services amazon-ec2 disk


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