sql - Can't update table off ST_INTERSECT Query in Netezza -

sql - Can't update table off ST_INTERSECT Query in Netezza -

so have 2 simple line datasets in netezza, want create table includes lines dataset 1 not intersect lines dataset 2.

st_disjoint doesn't seem work, returns thousands , thousands of duplicate values, assume because netezza runs query row row , returns record everytime 2 specific lines don't intersect?

so thought flag each line dataset 1 , select without flag, using update datset 1 st_intersects(dataset1,dataset2).

however returns many 1 relationship error. there way can create check first intersect or somethign stop trying assign multiple values individual records?

i sense there simpler solution problem (selecting lines set 1 never intersect lines set 2), help appreciated.


st_disjoint homecoming boolean value of true or false when comparing columns each contain geometry. i'm not sure understand how info stored based on wording of question, if tables called dataset1 , dataset2, each geometry stored in column called geoms, utilize next approach.

insert dataset1 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(0 0, 3 0)')); insert dataset1 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(0 1, 3 1)')); insert dataset1 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(2 2, 3 2)')); insert dataset2 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(0 0, 0 3)')); insert dataset2 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(1 2, 1 3)')); insert dataset2 values (inza..st_wkttosql('linestring(-1 0, -1 4)')); select count(1) dataset1 not exists ( select 1 dataset2 b inza..st_disjoint(a.geoms,b.geoms)=false ); count ------- 1 (1 row) select count(1) dataset2 not exists ( select 1 dataset1 b inza..st_disjoint(a.geoms,b.geoms)=false ); count ------- 2 (1 row)

sql spatial many-to-one netezza spatial-query


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