linux - Running a ssh command inside Mathematica -

linux - Running a ssh command inside Mathematica -

lately i've been trying run shell ssh command mathematica notebook. tried several suggested methods no positive outcome. search reply lead me next result:

runprocess[$systemshell, all, " ssh <login>@<server> exit "]

but gives next error

<|"exitcode" -> 127, "standardoutput" -> "", "standarderror" -> "ssh: /usr/local/wolfram/mathematica/10.0/systemfiles/libraries/\ linux-x86-64/ no version info available \ (required ssh) ssh: /usr/local/wolfram/mathematica/10.0/systemfiles/libraries/\ linux-x86-64/ no version info available \ (required ssh) ssh: relocation error: ssh: symbol evp_aes_128_ctr, version \ openssl_1.0.1 not defined in file link time \ reference "|>

do have thought how prepare it?

p.s. overall goal import , export info between external server , mathematica notebook.

Łukasz gładczuk suggestion should work, there improve way accomplish this.

runprocess provides processenvironment alternative allows set environment variables process. default value inherited, means environment variables inherited wolfram language, causing library problems.

run echo $path in terminal find path, use:

runprocess[{"ssh", "user@server"}, processenvironment -> <|"path" -> yourpath|>]

where yourpath path, string.

linux ssh wolfram-mathematica


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