ios - How to forward touch event from UITextField to UICollectionViewController / UITableViewController? -

ios - How to forward touch event from UITextField to UICollectionViewController / UITableViewController? -

i have cell , on uitextfield. textfield stretches all on cell. when press textfield keyboard appears, didselectitematindexpath not called.

how can trigger it? didselectitematindexpath delivers selected cell's indexpath. need that.

personally i'd other way around...

cell.textfield.userinteractionenabled = no;

then in didselectrowatindexpath

mytextfieldcell *cell = [self.tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath]; [cell.textfield becomefirstresponder]; cell.textfield.userinteractionenabled = yes; // code needs indexpath

subscribe uitextfieldtextdidendeditingnotification , set

textfield.userinteractionenabled = no;

when you're done

ios uitableview uitextfield uicollectionview


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