material design - android lollipop toolbar: how to hide/show the toolbar while scrolling? -

material design - android lollipop toolbar: how to hide/show the toolbar while scrolling? -

i'm using new toolbar widget introduced in appcompat / support-v7. hide/show toolbar depending on if user scrolling up/down page, in new google's playstore app or newsstand app. there built toolbar widget or should using in conjunction framelayout , observablescrollview?

as far know there nil build in you. have @ google io sourcecode, baseactivity. search "auto hide" or @ onmaincontentscrolled

in order hide toolbar can this:

toolbar.animate().translationy(-toolbar.getbottom()).setinterpolator(new accelerateinterpolator()).start();

if want show 1 time again call:

toolbar.animate().translationy(0).setinterpolator(new decelerateinterpolator()).start();

android-5.0-lollipop material-design android-toolbar


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