xpages - How do I access the column names of a view datasource in sortColumn? -

xpages - How do I access the column names of a view datasource in sortColumn? -

i have custom command displays view based off configuration documents. had been storing sortcolumn in sessionscope variable, user retain sort when leave , homecoming xpage. unfortunately, if leave xpage has same custom control, view doesn't have column same name, throws error.

so, thought check columnnames of view don't seek using sortcolumn doesn't exist. have been unable handle view info source while applying sortcolumn.

<xp:dominoview var="inputview" sortorder="#javascript:sessionscope.sortedcolumndirection}"> <xp:this.sortcolumn><![cdata[#{javascript:var namevector:java.util.vector = inputview.getcolumnnames(); var namearray = sessionscope.curdynamicviewsettings.columntitles; if ( @ismember(viewscope.sortedcolumnname,namearray)) { homecoming viewscope.sortedcolumnname; } return;}]]> </xp:this.sortcolumn> </xp:dominoview>



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