java - Exception while running Bamboo Plugin -

java - Exception while running Bamboo Plugin -

i developing bamboo plugin, while running plugin. error get:

java.lang.linkageerror : loader constraint violation: when resolving method "com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.htmlparser$htmlunitdombuilder.setcontenthandler(lorg/xml/sax/contenthandler;)v" class loader (instance of org/apache/felix/framework/moduleimpl$moduleclassloader) of current class, com/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/html/htmlparser$htmlunitdombuilder, , class loader (instance of org/apache/catalina/loader/webappclassloader) resolved class, com/gargoylesoftware/htmlunit/html/htmlparser$htmlunitdombuilder, have different class objects type used in signature)

any clue or suggestion on how resolve this? in advance, abhishek

java plugins bamboo


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