tilemill - Hosted OSM PostGIS connection? -

tilemill - Hosted OSM PostGIS connection? -

so i've been playing tilemill bit , thought "let's grab osm map tiles , create map nice!!"

wait minute. oh darn.

i don't want have download , set own postgis server (or whatever)...

isn't there online can point give me tiles? i'm not picky either, it'd nice have place names , roads , geography on it...

i don't think there open server can point postgres requests directly. there 2 possible solutions:

for smaller area can create layers via overpass-turbo. e.g. buildings in mapview: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/5q0

[out:json][timeout:25]; ( way["building"="yes"]({{bbox}});>; ); out;

then can export info geojson. tilemill can read geojson file layer. solution bit complex, because maybe have larn overpass query language (or using overpass-turbo wizard). it's flexible: can visualize every osm tag need. limited smaller areas, because overpass-turbo can't handle much data.

the other solution utilize mapbox studio instead of tilemill. generates maps osm-vectordata mapbox hosting. mapbox studio need mapbox business relationship , you're limited tags , layers mapbox provides. mapbox studio can export images no tiles or mapnik xml.

postgis tilemill


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