dotfiles - Why does .lesshst keep showing up in my ~ -
dotfiles - Why does .lesshst keep showing up in my ~ - i never utilize less , , have used more . introduced to, why utilize more more instead of using less more. ( sorry, going sound bit of mess :) ) i tried less , couldn't quit out of it, until realized took vi/vim style command. @ least, believe happened. by in ~ there .lesshst file, rm time, prefer utilize more or nano simple stuff , can utilize textmate simple text editing, or sublime or whatever else in mood for. i noticed ".jbapps-myusername" in ~ well. showed 2 days ago, , don't recall installing strange. thought is? have never jailbroken phone, , don't install hacks on machine. things go gray area getting played in vm, not on core of machine working on main computer. $file .jbapps-haneda .jbapps-haneda: ascii text, no line terminators the contents of .jbapps-* file "483^@" no leading or trailing newlines, carriage returns etc. then there git issue. have .c...