objective c - iOS: UIButton doesn't show up -

objective c - iOS: UIButton doesn't show up -

i'm creating simple button , adding subview main view. doesn't show though.

this code setting up:

uibutton* contactbutton = [[uibutton alloc] init]; contactbutton.titlelabel.text = @"contact developer"; [contactbutton sizetofit]; [self.view addsubview:contactbutton]; nslog(@"x: %f || y: %f || width: %f || height: %f", contactbutton.frame.origin.x, contactbutton.frame.origin.y, contactbutton.frame.size.width, contactbutton.frame.size.height);

as may have noticed, placed bit of debug code @ end see position , dimensions of button. are: x: 0, y: 0, width: 30, height: 34

this means should showing in upper left corner doesn't. whats wrong?

one possible reason used titlelabeldirectly. consider using settitle:forstate: method instead.

to sure, consider setting backgroundcolor, debug step, create sure it's appearing.

edit others suggested, seek using buttonwithtype: instead of [[uibutton alloc] init]. suggest using uibuttontypesystem instead of uibuttontypecustom.

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uiview uibutton


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