mapreduce - Hadoop Map reduce program on multinode cluster -

mapreduce - Hadoop Map reduce program on multinode cluster -

i have query on hadoop map reduce. have 3 clusters each cluster having 5 nodes. if written map cut down programme & want run process info on 3 clusters. need run map cut down programme on 1 node or need run map cut down programme on nodes ? needs process info on 3 clusters.

you need run mr programme 1 node, mr framework execute in slave nodes in cluster.

one advantage of mr framework execution based on info locality, computation moves nodes info present. since have 3 clusters, getting performance improve deploy or run application on these 3 cluster.

processing info of these 3 cluster in 1 cluster possible, provided clusters in same network. should not this, degrades performance. info in other cluster(s) need bring cluster actual execution happens. can achieved using hdfs uri

eg : cluster hdfs uri : hdfs://nnhost-clustera:8020/inputfile cluster b hdfs uri : hdfs://nnhost-clusterb:8020/input

from cluster c may access info in above 2 clusters a&b giving total hdfs uri.

hadoop mapreduce
